How does EAM integrate with Asset Investment Planning (AIP)? When asset-intensive organizations integrate Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) with Asset Investment Planning (AIP), they can strategically align […]
How electric utilities can optimize vegetation management Vegetation management has always been one of the costliest line items in an electric utility’s budget. Utilities invest billions […]
How Municipal Asset Management Plans create value With aging infrastructure, climate change, population growth, and a housing crisis all converging, municipalities are under tremendous pressure to make […]
How can Canadian municipalities benefit from Asset Investment Planning? Canadian municipalities generally rely on four sources of revenue: – property taxes – intergovernmental grants – revenues […]
Addressing the surge in electricity demand: a data driven approach In 2022, electricity demand estimates called for just 2.6% load growth over the next five years. […]
Creating wildfire risk due diligence with AIP The Texas Panhandle wildfires stand as the largest and most destructive fires the Lone Star state has seen to […]
Wildfire risk mitigation: An asset perspective Wildfires have now become the biggest threat to electric utilities in the western United States and Canada. California was the […]
Integrated decision making for wildfire prevention Electric utilities are on a journey with the evolving risk of wildfire. How do you tackle a challenge of that […]
A new lens for approaching wildfire forecasting and planning Electric utilities are acutely aware of wildfire risk. Across the regions that are most impacted by fire, […]